
HOTELS.COM new logo

first i want to say thanks to the blog Brand New for having this image; they were the only other ones i could find...

with that, i wanted to comment on the hotels.com redesign. i think it is FABULOUS. recently i have been using that website to find an affordable hotel room down in eureka springs, arkansas. and the first recent time i went there, i saw the little surprise in the upper left corner: the condensed red type and bellboy were gone!!

hotels.com's old logo was sort of fun, but at the same time it is outdated. the new logo, designed by TBWA \ Chiat \ Day, (see the one in red above) is more sleek and sophisticated, and the graphic element is downplayed (see the "o"). also it leaves a little more to the imagination... elevator button? compass rose? something else? you decide. either way i like it. simplicity is key.

the yellow, more script-like logo is the non-US version of the logo. aka europe, asia, etc. i think that one is also successful, but it reminds me a little too much of holiday inn. especially because of that H. i think it works though; and probably just what the website/brand needed.

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